Thursday 29 December 2016


We are different in our kinds of people
Some people just want to live their fantasy through other people lives
Is it perhaps because they are miserable in their own world?
I'm just concerned of the damages they are inventing
And the effect it will have
For the rest of future generation
If it doesn't end.
Dear you
Please accept WHO you are
Be content with what you have
Find a hobby that will build you up
And make you stronger than ever and the rest of us
Surely your purpose in life
Is not to detect someone's life
Or destroy it
Just because you are so not happy in your life that you end up feeling that materials things will be able to give you the satisfaction
And because it doesn't
Now you want to control other people lives
How evil can you be ?
When you have fall
And felt how it feels to fall
You shouldn't encourage the rest to your downfall to experience whatever its there to experience
Because we are common to the fact that we are all humans
Related by blood
United from the god
Unique by our reactions and wisdsom
We one another needs to respect and embrace each other
And that is the only way we can all live in peace
Kindness and purity shouldn't be taught but practiced
Please !!!stop it
-You are better than that
Tell yourself that
And see the change
Happy new years Eve🎉🎆
In 2017 let's hope for the best for me for you for us all
No hate but love

Friday 23 December 2016


Waiting for Christmas like....

The truth of the matters
My spirit is no longer unto anything celebration
Its just doesn't feel the same way as used to
Back in the days

When you buy Christmas clothes
And be told to keep it a secret of what colour or dress you will be wearing
So that you can stand out from the rest
(I guess)
(Our parents or guidance into competition with us kids then)
Going door to door, asking for Christmas presents
And we (with my childhood friends) would receive sweets and snacks
And then everything seemed enough
For some maybe perfect

But now
I can't say the same

I get it
One would say
Life has revolved
And when it does
We were suppose to go along
So much for growth
The desire that has the potential to drag one into the other side and still make one forget the most treasures

What is crucial in your own life?

What has changed?
The spirit "Ubuntu "
Psychological thinking

Happy early Christmas to you
Remember you are not alone
Somebody is looking out for you

Stay blessed
& praised the Lord

Bye for now

Saturday 10 December 2016


When you are asked "WHO ARE YOU"
Do you think
You are being asked about your identity name /& job title, description or duties ?

The answer is the character that you display freely
With or without
You will still be questioned
And anyone can be the suspect for creating an impression
Are responsible for the perception that concludes in the absence of what can be barely weakness as fact and not experience that have been overcame

The judgment is for who you see is greater than you ever was
No hate where there is some appreciation
If remorse can appear in the edges of life and death
Surely where there is love
It can go behind all and still keep treasuries safe against faulplay
Then would be no excuses nor blame to point at
Because we all have been ourselves from day one
And nothing in the world could buy our loyalty

The ability for anything to occur naturally
Nowadays it has become impossible to believe
You live to be the slave for your own dreams
If not
You feel like you haven't reach your purpose in life

Who told you your purpose in life?

Who put restrictions and what for?

Where is your say in your own life

Sunday 4 December 2016

What love does to you

Have you ever felt like
If you don't get the chance
The wind will start to blow
The birds won't sing
The waterfall will be dried
& you won't see the light or the stars
The sky will be the limit
Shadow will begin to torment the sun
The angels will be restricted
& you my dear you will be single forever
But the lil less you know
You can never be lonely
Becsuse There is always that person
Who will love you from a distance
-Revoke the spirit to act upon its emotion
If you see potential
Love will make you believe that
You can
& without
You will die sad
The heart knows what it wants
So regardless of the situation
It will drive you where it wants to be
Its up to you
To balance your own thoughts, feelings and experience against fantasy
(On that note: good luck🙏😀)

Saturday 3 December 2016

What happened

Body to body
My spirit against yours
Your flowing in my vains like I’m electric wired
You intrigue my Blood to a point of no self-control
Your starring feeds me the drive as an impatient being
Your power gives me the gut to reflect YOLO
Your eyes itching my skin Questioning my next move
Your calling requires attention With the matters of life or death
You his in my shadow
Handcuffed like a bulldog
With you I have no say
Neither control
Or innocence
Pet dog is what you made me
Everywhere I be
Smelling is my duty
You instruct me
When and who
To destruct
You see me for a toy
But then I was naive
When you bought me
Now I hear
Your movement alerts me
Its not my time
I know
The forces have been instituted
Game is over
But bare in mind- … 🌗
Also where there is shadow there is a light 🌓
At least I can say I did utter what the baby wouldn’t weakness
I know where I’m going
And I can’t change the past – true
But is it ever worth anything?
I tell you now
Your naive will utter for you
Be wise not to make the same
Would be the advice
But hitting two birds at once
Does not always work out accordingly
Nobody ever got the chance to tell the life afterwards.
That is ever wise to vision things
Be cautioned
And believe that there is no such a thing called coincidence
Its a pain
One who passed through….?
Dreams are expensive
Very expensive-
Ask questions
Experience is not always the option
You better be patient in all you do
Or you will find yourself in a rich dark hole
Where you will be hooked for the enternity🔒
You so not need extra voice🔊
But to open your eyes ever before and see
Have you 🔎 what is happening around the globe
Are you💤 or ….
Have you seen it 💥🔥⏩