Saturday 15 July 2017


Going back to your own root
Wouldn't be easy as it would if the media influential haven't accomplish anything that would make people who are trying to find themselves in this world feel inferior

Who are we to us & to the world?
Should have never back out by western ways?
What would be the development without western ways?

People have the tendency to think the way they have been raised its the correct way of raising offspring/(s).
Some people seem to forget that offspring/(s) are also human being, we grow, we see, we hear, we learn before we can apply any knowledge.
So who's fault?
Who's to be questioned?
Who's selfish?

Do you condemn the parent or the guidance for wanting the best education for their offspring/(s)?

Do you see fault in how the world is ?

See formulas being formulated into formulation.

[Between me & you]

Why maths lit was formed, if in most "high paid" job position will require pure mathematics?

"Isn't education fall all"

"Everybody living equally"

When you actually complain about something, who are you actually directing to?

When we have philosophy's, biographers, authors, pastors, traditional healers, public protector, personalities, public speakers.

Let me tell you.
Education have the tendency of making someone sees things that existed but couldn't recognize because it wasn't one of your expertise field

With experience you should know the difference
But when you decide to walk all your two most unguided or guided precious tissues you will never understand the difference.

When a masculine bamboozle,
Feminine say masculine do bamboozle & scientifically justify it.
But when a feminine bamboozle,
You hear these:

& you would ask where is the problem?


A mirror only reflects what it is in front of it.
Even the isolated person referred as perilous to the community was once innocent.
So what happened?
Who planted the idea?
Who invented the tools to establish & conquer the idea?
Who engaged to the idea?

Masculines know who they are.
You will find them very protective when it comes to their offspring (s), yet they seem to forget that we feminine are also the daughters of our father's.
So where is the respect?
Where is the love & the care you promise on your first approach to me & my family &/ friends?

When a feminine unable to conceive,
What is the first thing the feminine of the son tells him?
["Find another feminine to bear for you"]
What kind of the advice is this?
What does it teaches the offspring [s]?

Who you do condemn the lifestyle of knowing what's Worthy for you & go for it regardless of the situation at hand?

Why do you call / refer feminine who are looking out for themselves gold diggers?
Yet you do not refer masculine who ride two or even more trains at the same time as snakes

Do you know why we will never be equal?
Check the system
Check the norms

Who create them?
Who should follow?
Who follows?

Change in the books via the change we live in.

Like a land given to most few trusted group with the purpose to plant & you plant where you could & then assume that the seeds will just expand itself even to the areas where it is in need to be cleared & levelled before any of the same plantation could grow. & still expect the plantation will just grow as if the wind is not associated with the season itself.