Wednesday 28 June 2017

Two types of people

There are two types of people
Who visit psychologist
The one who is overconfidence or being hyped
Arrives with the company of a friend

[For someone who turned to be arrogance it's hardly for them to hangout with people who knew him/ her from childhood because those people are the very same people who bring you down just for the control in case you forget who you with when you are with them]

Psychologist: hallo.
Friend: [shaking hands].
Girl: hi.

Psychologist: How can I help you?
Girl: Isn't my ex boyfriend.
Psychologist: What did he do?
Girl: He cheated me with a low life.
Psychologist: Uh!!! Wait, you shouldn't call her that
Glir: Are you by any chance defending that b**** yatch
Psychologist: What? Why are referring her to that?
Girl: Because the trash stole my boyfriend from me.
Psychologist: First of all; you shouldn't refer anyone with those names.
Secondly; if he did not want to be "stolen" she wouldn't have snatch him from you
Girl: what!!! [looking at the psychologist, thinking & wondering where did she get the name snatch].

Ignorant people always find fault, never care to listen & understand with or without following the lead. Logical with wisdom its not in their best ability.

& the other one who has or assumed to have the low self-esteem,
Ambushed/influenced/pushed by a close relative or friend

Psychologist: How can I be of help?
Brother: I'm her big brother, she my only sister.
Sister': I'm not lil anymore.
Psychologist: [moving his head up & down, stretching his hand] you may sit.
Brother: OK, thank you.
Psychologist: so your sister is the reason why you both here.
Brother: yes
Psychology: [before he could even say okay, I'm listening].
  [The person brought in started talking].
Sister: you people never see anything good that I do.
Brother: what people? Cause I'm down for your happiness.
Sister: you, mom & dad you never allow me to make my own decision. You want to control my life, tell me who to date, where i shouldn't go, who to hangout with.
Brother: but we looking out for your own best interest.
Sister: its not like I do not appreciate the support you tryna give me but y'all have to understand that I'm growing up.
Brother: meaning? [Getting worked up]
Sister: you see that is the problem. its feels like it would be better if I'm gone.
Brother: now you are talking about moving out. Where & who is going to feed there or has the boy premise you the world? Oh god, I didn't know you are that stupid sis.
Psychology: [while trying to mediate using his hand]
Sister: I don't mean to be disrespectful or anything but if he is not willing to see reason why he should allow me to make my own decision, then he clearly wasted his time bringing me here, thinking that it is one of the basketball team Match he likes to watch them winning no matter what.
Psychology: I need you both to take a breath down. I can hear y'all have a say but you struggling to come up with a final solution that will work for both of you. You need to know what exactly it is that you want on a guy. & you my brother need to learn that mistake are not there to discourage us but to teach & inspire us to do better. Do not make the mistake of mistakenly that every mistaken is the mistake. Gos knows what he is doing

A conscious person never done something & refer it as a mistake just because the things didn't go his/her way.

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